Our Approach
Continuing Care
Support for you and your whānau before and after our live-in programmes

Preparing for the journey
Considering a residential programme is a positive step toward real transformation and a life free from addiction.
We’re here to support you and your whānau to figure out if one of our programmes is right for you. We’ll walk alongside you to make sure you’re supported through the steps into our Adult programme or Te Whare Taonga so that you and your whānau feel well prepared and know what to expect. We can also help you link up with other support options.

Smoothing the journey
Transitioning from the live-in programme can be a stressful time for many.
We offer ongoing support for as long as you need it. We can help with planning, supported living, individual counselling, and therapeutic groups to support your recovery.
Anyone who has been through one of our live-in programmes is eligible for ongoing support. We maintain our connection through groups, ceremonies, and graduates from the programme serve as tuakana (senior peers) to support teina (newcomers) at noho wānanga. Leaving your piece of paua on the pou at Papa Taumata signifies that you always have a place here.