About Higher Ground
Papa Taumata
Ka piki ake ki te taumata oranga
To ascend from the ground to a place of sacredness.

Who we are
Our community is a healing space built on aroha and compassion, honesty, and respect.
We support people on their journey of recovery from addiction, within the context of their overall wellbeing. We are committed to the principles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi and providing quality programmes within a cohesive therapeutic and ethical framework.
As a Charitable Trust overseen by a Board of Trustees, Higher Ground Papa Taumata support tāngata whaiora (residents) and their whānau to realise hope and transformation.

Who we are
Our People
Our Higher Ground Papa Taumata whānau are a passionate group of people dedicated to helping those experiencing severe addiction.

Our Research
Our research shows us what we do well and what we can do better to achieve the best outcomes for our tāngata whaiora (residents).

Work with us
If you are looking to be part of a community that builds hope and transformation in the lives of others, then you are in the right place.

Our history
Our proud history dates back to 1984.
Thanks to the work of a few passionate, visionary people, our programme was first set up in a small house in Auckland. Their mission was to provide abstinence-based intensive support for people experiencing severe addiction. Continuing to fulfil this purpose, we now offer two live-in programmes on Te Atatū Peninsula. We provide support before and after the programmes, including support for the wider whānau of our tāngata whai ora (residents).