Frequently Asked Questions
Answers to some of the questions we are often asked.

When can I start?
Coming in for an appointment is the first step.
Phone or email us to get started: (09) 834 0042 ;
Who pays and how much does it cost?
Most people qualify for a Work and Income New Zealand (WINZ) benefit. WINZ pay a portion of the benefit directly to Higher Ground Papa Taumata to cover your living expenses. We can give you information on how to arrange this.
Mostly there is no further payment.
If you don’t qualify for a WINZ benefit, there is a weekly charge of $185.
Can I leave before I finish my programme?
No one will stop you from leaving Higher Ground Papa Taumata if you choose to go.
Our kaimahi (staff) will encourage you to talk through your options as part of your decision making.
If you leave early you can re-apply when you feel more ready.
Am I allowed to go out once I am in the programme?
In the early days you go out with other tāngata whai ora (residents) and kaimahi (staff). There’s a daily walk, sometimes visits to local shops, and outings to other 12-step meetings.
If you need to go to health or legal appointments we’ll support you to do that.
Once you have been with us for a while you and your case manager will work on a weekend leave plan.
What is a typical day like at Higher Ground Papa Taumata?
Week days are pretty structured. From 6AM – 10PM there is always somewhere to be and something to do. You’ll be sharing kai, karakia, doing house duties, groups and 1:1 therapy. You’ll also learn kapa haka, waiata, do some physical activity and have some free time. You’ll go to AA/NA meetings, Multiple Family Group and sometimes attend Noho Marae. You also go out to 12 Step meetings a few times a week.
At Te Whare Taonga we work around babies and little ones.
Weekends are a little more relaxed.

Can I have my phone with me?
We have phones here that you can use. You’ll need to bring a calling card with you. Our kaimahi (staff) can suggest which ones to bring. You won’t be able to use your mobile phone.
How often can I phone my partner/whānau?
You can have one 10-minute call each day. We support extra calls to your kids. You can talk with your case manager about this.
Can I see my kids while I am in the programme?
Kids are welcome to come for visits on Sundays from 2:00pm to 3:30pm. See here the next question for information on visiting.
As you make progress there may be opportunity for younger kids to have overnight stays on weekends. Our kaimahi (staff) will support you with this.
Can my whānau and friends visit?
Visits are on Sundays from 2:00pm to 3:30 pm. This is a great opportunity to catch up and connect.
Visitors can bring items like clothes, reading material or money for their loved one.
There are a few things that we ask of visitors:
- Please don’t drink or use drugs before visiting. Anyone who is under the influence of alcohol or drugs will not be able to visit.
- Please don’t wear anything that has drug or gang associations, or promotes alcohol, drugs or gambling.
- Only wear hats and sunglasses outside.
- Please follow our rules while you are on site – our kaimahi (staff) will support you about what this means ahead of your visit.
Real Stories
"…things will unfold the way they need to unfold, and that’s the magic."
— Lusan
Watch Lusan's story
Is smoking allowed?
Smoking and vaping are not allowed on any Higher Ground Papa Taumata site. We can support you to stop smoking/vaping while you are in our programmes.
Is this a safe programme for people from Rainbow communities?
We’re dedicated to respectfully supporting all tāngata whai ora (residents), kaimahi (staff), whānau, friends & visitors who are from Rainbow communities.
Higher Ground Papa Taumata is committed to the professional development and competency of our whānau in supporting our Rainbow communities. We have proudly established Rainbow Champions in our teams.
Tāngata whaiora who identify as part of the Rainbow communities are supported to attend 12-Step Fellowship (NA/AA) Rainbow meetings.
Does Higher Ground Papa Taumata have wheelchair access?
Yes, we have wheelchair access and accessible facilities. We can support accessibility needs, and will talk through how we can meet these additional needs during your admission assessment.
What if I have learning needs?
We have lots of support available and will work alongside you at your own pace.