We provide rehabilitation programmes that are based on 12-step recovery principles and evidence based therapies.

Our approach
The therapeutic community model provides the foundation for our programmes. This includes 12-Step recovery principles, te whare tapa whā dimensions of wellbeing and proven therapies delivered by dedicated, qualified staff.
Tikanga Māori is woven through the programme alongside individual and group therapy. Creating a strong cultural connection pathway for all tāngata whai ora, we build knowledge through te reo, karakia, kapa haka and waiata where cultural emphasis enables healing through relationships to others and the world around us.
We believe whānau involvement is central to recovery so our whānau groups and counselling support whānau healing and empowerment. Our community is enriched by diversity. We support and are strengthened by people and whānau from all cultures, genders, rainbow communities, abilities and walks of life.
Accountability and safety are important to us and we hold Certification under the Health and Disabilities Services (Safety) Act 2001.

Live-in Services
Adult Programmes
We provide live in programmes for adults and wāhine hapū (pregnant women).
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